Monday, January 14, 2019

Community Conversation with Gail Johnson

Monday, January 14, 2019, at the GRU Building, 301 SE 4th Avenue, Gainesville FL

We represent the local chapter of the  
a non-profit organization for
Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts

Chapter Co-Leaders:       
     Karen Eberly  kareneberly (at)
     Maria Minno  maria.minno (at) 

     > We hold monthly potluck meetings to share food and information. 
     > We provide contacts of local producers and sellers of quality meat, milk, etc.
     > We maintain a Facebook page, Weston A. Price Foundation, Gainesville FL chapter.
     > We have a lending library.
     > We table at local fairs showing materials and talking with people.

In keeping with our emphasis on health, we are especially concerned about these local issues:

          1.  Water fluoridation.   See the excellent information from the Fluoride Action Network, including summaries of research.

On 1/9/19, Robert F. Kennedy’s nonprofit organization, Children’s Health Defense, published U.S. Water Fluoridation: A Forced Experiment that Needs to End.  

      2.  EMF exposure (Smart meters, smart grids, smart cities and 5G wireless networks). There are serious adverse health, safety, and security issues with these technologies. These problems could easily be avoided by using wired technologies such as fiber optic cable, instead of wireless.  The tried-and-true analog meters that are already on our houses and schools, do not put out harmful radiation.   The City has not asked what we want or for our input, and has even tried to hide their plans to move toward a “smart city.”  We believe they are listening solely to the wireless industry and the FCC, which is made up of industry representatives.  

We want the City to allow home owners to keep their analog meters without paying an “opt-out” fee, and we want our local autonomy and property rights to be respected.   

A very telling case is the California firefighters who rallied to move celltowers away from their fire stations after experiencing “severe headaches, insomnia, and foggy thinking.” 

Scientific Evidence on EMF Exposure

>Health resources summary from What is 5G?

Our hopes for 2019: We are asking that the Commission and GRU stop water fluoridation and become educated about how water fluoridation is neither effective nor safe.  We are asking that the Commission and GRU stop deploying risky wireless smart meters and 5G, and explore wired alternatives.