Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Work of Three Aunties


Three Aunties provides educational events for the public.  

The initial Three Aunties event is the Gainesville Holistic Health Fair.  The next fair will be held Saturday, March 26th, 2016, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 4225 NW 34th Street, Gainesville, Florida.  Practitioners from a wide variety of alternative and wholistic health modalities will be there to answer questions and provide 15-20 minute sample sessions for $20 (only $5 during the first hour, 10:00 - 11:00 am!).  The fair will provide information on nutrition and environmental health, and empowering workshops on how to take care of yourself and your family.  Find out more at the Gainesville Holistic Health Fair blog  or send an email to Maria Minno. 

ROOTS Festival.  This is a day of hands-on natural history study for scientists and environmental / outdoor educators, as well as workshops in nature-based, farm and domestic arts. 
ROOTS stands for Reclaiming Our Origins, Traditions and Skills.  The purpose is to restore understanding of, and cultivate appreciation for, our historical and natural heritage.  This will be accomplished through providing opportunities for the teaching and learning of ancient and traditional skills that are being lost.  These skills are especially important for young people who will live in the world of the future for many decades.  The ROOTS Festival aims to restore a sense of place and a positive relationship with our natural surroundings that will help benefit people’s mental and physical health and well-being.  We are hoping to announce a date between October and December for this event, to be held (hopefully!) at Camp Crystal Lake. 

Three Aunties partners with other nonprofit organizations in some of its endeavors.  


Besides educational events, the next most important work of Three Aunties is to provide information.  Three Aunties is presently publishing blogs, and articles, books, multimedia electronic publications, apps and newsletters are in the works.  These publications inform the general public and interested specialists of important research, discoveries, natural occurrences, natural phenomena, and empowering methods of co-existing with nature in a mutually beneficial manner.  

The blogs maintained by Three Aunties provide information on events, publications, and nature study topics.  

  • The MudPuddling blog informs people of the imperiled state of some of Florida’s butterflies, as well as butterfly natural history.  Three Aunties is obtaining records, including photographs and videos of imperiled butterfly species.  We have published “Wanted” posters with these photographs and pertinent information on them.  
  • Florida Nature Finder logs discoveries in backyards and natural areas and informs readers of Three Aunties events and publications.


Three Aunties is searching for grants from government agencies or private foundations that will allow us to perform our work without compromise. 

Biodiversity Conservation

Finally, Three Aunties can work with private foundations and/or government agencies to purchase, preserve, and enhance the biodiversity of environmentally strategic tracts of land in Florida through a Biodiversity and Land Conservation program.  Three Aunties welcomes donations of land as well as funding for restoration and management, from foundations, government agencies, individuals and businesses that are inclined to want to do something to preserve and enhance biodiversity in Florida.  

When possible, Three Aunties will keep these biodiversity preserves open for nature literacy education and research to benefit the public as well as for specialists, land managers, and scientists. 

Hope For the Future

Three Aunties plans to accomplishes its work primarily through the volunteer efforts of the Board of Directors, which includes an Administrative Director and a Scientific Director.  They are multi-talented people with skills, training and experience in computers, natural history, environmental biology, zoology, botany, mammalogy, entomology, agriculture, alternative health, environmental health, writing, blogging, photography, alternative health, indigenous people, sustainable living, nonprofit administration, event planning, and more.  The Board of Directors will work with affiliates and other volunteers, and will network with other nonprofits and government agencies, to accomplish this work.

In our diverse ways, all of us at Three Aunties are working for a future where our work will be well received, our offerings will be grasped, and our purpose and intentions will be fully supported, so that we can do the work now that we feel is most important for future generations. 
The most important aspect of the work of Three Aunties will be providing educational events for the public.

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